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July 25, 2006

Ascribed to Malice

The headline reads "Microsoft's New Home Page Shuns Firefox" stating that if you go to http://preview.microsoft.com using IE, it works just fine, but if you go there using firefox you (intentionally?) get a "page not found" error.  I don't know, the page seems to be working fine for me in FireFox.  Maybe, just maybe, it was a screw up (like the redirect URL was messed up), and not an intentional plot to screw FireFox.  But then why bother ascribing to human error anything that could be labeled malice.

Posted on July 25, 2006 at 09:31 PM | Permalink


Malice sells more ad impressions (i.e., agreed). And, while there's a huge gap between malice and apathy, MS still needs to be slapped for making so many of their pages non FF friendly.

Posted by: Michael K. Campbell | Jul 26, 2006 8:37:02 AM

Had a big problem when Microsoft update download sevices Pack 3 Error stop 0x0000007E that false misleading got after, mode was bigger problem.So for updates disable its.

Posted by: Margie | May 29, 2008 1:06:09 PM

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