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April 24, 2006
Visual Studio 2005: Unstable and Highly Recommended
I recently sat down with some industry experts to get their opinion about the stability of Visual Studio 2005. Here's what they had to say:
What are your thoughts about the stability of Visual Studio 2005? Do you share the experts' recommendation that people use VS 2005?
Posted on April 24, 2006 at 10:12 AM | Permalink
What kind of bug triage interview is that? Anyone can read the reports at PFC and go vote on them. The 2005 RC from september was actually much newer build than the RTM. And in parts less buggy! Guess the "partners" had some special issue or no time to test the RC so they went with the buggier and older version.
Posted by: ac | Apr 24, 2006 2:55:47 PM
I've had no problems with VS2005 and projects including C#, HTML, and XML files. However, I never use those "designers" so maybe they are to blame...
Posted by: Chris Nahr | Apr 25, 2006 1:56:39 AM
I would have liked to have seen some comment from someone who works with C++. My projects use C++ and WTL, and as such, the Intellisense seems to want to do an awful lot of work very regularly. I moved to VS2005, and then moved back to 2003 because of the cost in productivity.
Posted by: Phil Cairns | Apr 25, 2006 5:11:41 PM
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Posted by: pandora jewelry | Dec 13, 2010 5:24:15 AM
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