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April 05, 2006

Buy a PC Without an OS, get a visit from MSFT?

This article alleges that if you order a naked PC (one with no operating system installed) that you might get a visit from someone from Microsoft wondering why. The article goes on to insinuate that this is because Microsoft is afraid of Linux.

Um, probably not. It's far more likely that Microsoft is concerned because some people will buy a naked PC (for less) and install a pirated copy of Windows on it. Michala Alexander, Microsoft's head of anti-piracy tried to point this out, but to little avail. He also stated that Microsoft people will not be showing up at locations that purchase naked PCs.

"I can confirm that the... personnel are not participating in customer visits. This is an error in the copy and will be amended in future material on the subject," Alexander claimed.

"Claimed", as though he just invented and spewed forth a big fat lie. How can people write this level of drivel?

Slashdot then takes this article, and turns the reality distortion field up to 11.

Posted on April 5, 2006 at 11:22 AM | Permalink


buying pc without os has nothing to do with microsoft cuz
anyone can buy any naked pc and install whatever they want on it. jeez !! this shouldnt even be an issue

Posted by: doom | May 27, 2009 7:42:10 AM

It's one thing to complain about something that's lacking the a product, but Bill is actually someone who will step up

Posted by: pandora jewelry | Dec 13, 2010 5:28:17 AM

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