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December 21, 2004

Outsourcing Blog

The Daily Grind points to a new blog the focuses on outsourcing topics.

If you're interested in putting a finger on the pulse of .NET development in India, here are some other links you should check out:

MSDN India
.NET From India
Sriram Krishnan
RDs and MVPs in India

Posted on December 21, 2004 at 05:04 PM | Permalink


Software outsourcing, BPO, IT services & outsourcing solutions by Covient. We offer outsourcing services including offshore outsouring like development, designing, data entry etc. & many web services.

Posted by: rashmi | Apr 5, 2005 12:11:30 AM

Demand for ASP.Net, VB.Net offshore programming services has significantly increased in the last year, and the demand is continuing this year. Several applications by big companies are also being migrated from ASP to ASP.Net because of several advantages in the huge leap in technological benefits. http://outsourcing.indyzen.com outsourcing to India helps companies outsource their .Net software development, ASP.Net migration and other tasks easier by saving companies $$$$. Outsourcing .Net and other application development to India has certainly proved successful for numerous companies in USA and Europe.

Posted by: Sri | Apr 6, 2005 8:14:40 PM

I read your blog on outsourcing. This blog is quite informative for my business, even I have blog on outsourcing so can we exchange the links to share our knowledge resources.


Posted by: prabhjot | Apr 28, 2005 2:42:35 AM

Want to know more about the workings of Offshoring Management? Why not check out my forthcoming book ::
Mohan, author: http://www.offshoringmanagement.com

Posted by: Mohan | Jun 5, 2005 12:54:44 AM

Offshoring work to the US? Do check out GaramChai.com for insights into life there http://www.garamchai.com

Posted by: Raj | Jun 5, 2005 12:59:07 AM

Hi All,

I have been very interested in outsourcing topics these days and came across the following web site: http://www.go4outsourcing.com

This is what the website had to say about itself - Go4outsourcing.com is a leading web-based services marketplace that connects buyers with quality service providers locally, nationally and globally, in a cost-effective and secure environment.

Go4outsourcing.com is the right destination for finding appropriate projects. Showcase your services at Go4outsourcing.com, the leading online services marketplace.

At Go4outsourcing.com, you will find different projects on one portal, save time and money by marketing your skills and services through Go4outsourcing.com

I have been to this website and looked pretty good to me, so I thought why not discuss this with other like-minded people as registration is free of charge.


Posted by: Kunal | Jun 23, 2005 5:38:42 AM

Go4outsourcing.com looks great. I have registered my company and the basic membership was free.

Thanks kunal

Posted by: Rubin | Jun 23, 2005 5:39:31 PM

I am running a bpo & data entry center in Bucharest, Romania. We are also offering IT consulting for Romania. Our prices are so cheap that many of our customers can consider we are working for free. Maybe your blog can advertise our services to a new potential customer.
Have a nice day! Claudiu, ROMsourcing.com

Posted by: Claudiu Dumitrescu | Jul 3, 2005 12:11:39 AM

Great info on outsourcing !

I also found a neat site giving different perspectives on this subject.

Posted by: Desi | Jul 29, 2005 12:25:46 PM

Many say outsourcing sux and blames india, china, big corporations, anyone but themselves. I am sure some blame can be laid all around, the problem is the complaints don't stop. Everyone just keeps whining and not working towards doing something creative, different, innovative. If we are going to evolve as a society, we are all gonna have to bite the bullet and use our imaginations.

Posted by: exmind | Jan 11, 2006 2:01:26 PM

Outsourcing is good for everyone if everybody does what they are best at. You can always visit my offshore outsourcing company website at AppGuru - BPO and IT Services company with offices in USA and India to get further insight.

Posted by: Vivek Oberoi | Jan 30, 2006 4:22:10 PM

Iwebresources Outsourcing Directory: Best Outsourcing Articles.

What is Outsourcing?
Outsourcing is acquiring a product or services rather than producing it yours.

Why Outsource?
There are many reasons why organizations choose to outsource functions and services. The following is a list of common reasons why outsourcing is undertaken:

* Lower costs
* Specific supplier benefits. For example, better security, continuity, etc
* Higher quality service due to focus of the supplier
* Less dependency upon internal resources
* Control of budget
* Faster setup of the function or service
* Lower ongoing investment required in internal infrastructure
* Lack of internal expertise
* Increase flexibility to meet changing business conditions
* Improve Risk Management.
* Acquire Innovative Ideas.
* Turn fixed costs into variable cost.
* And lots more...

Sharad Saxena ([email protected])

Looking for Outsourcing Articles:
1. Top Out sourcing Articles Directory:
2. What is Outsourcing?

Index 1
1. The Benefits Of Outsourcing
2. Successful Offshore Call Center Outsourcing

3. Project Outsourcing Why ALL Businesses Should Consider Outsourcing an Integral Part of Business Growth
4. Philippines Catching up with India in the Outsourcing Industry
5. Outsourcing your Web Marketing

Index 2
1. Outsourcing Your Ecommerce Order Fulfillment
2. Outsourcing Problem Analysis
3. Outsourcing NOT Just for Big Business
4. Outsourcing in China Five Basics for Reducing Risk
5. Outsourcing CAD Offshore Assessing Service Provider Reliability

Index 3
1. Outsourcing and Your Business
2. Outsourcing – A Positive Approach For Small Businesses
3. Outsourcing

4. Microsoft Great Plains BPO Business Processes Outsourcing – cost reduction ERP solution
5. Managing a CAD Outsourcing Project

Index 4
1. Increase Your Success and Reduce Your Stress by Outsourcing
2. Increase Profits with Outsourcing Best Practices
3. Education and Outsourcing, 2 Ways to Improve your Business
4. Customer Service and Call Center Outsourcing, What's The Buzz
5. Cosmetics & Toiletries - Global Outsourcing & Private Label Manufacturing

Index 5
1. Avoid Outsourcing Pitfalls in Plastic Injection Molds and Stamping Dies
2. Website Design, Website Development & flash design Services.
3. Outsourcing 101 – Offshoring for Beginners
4. Can You Really Save Money By Outsourcing Offshore Outsourcing Costs Can Significantly Reduce Any Savings
5. Human Resources Outsourcing Association Offers Organizations Considering Outsourcing and Advisory Firms Complimentary Attendance to Winter ’05 Learning Workshops

Index 6
1. New Outsourcing Survey by IACCM and Argea Highlights Common Mistakes and Unrealized Advantages in Outsourcing
2. GTESS to Provide New Strategic Outsourcing Services to Healthcare Industry, Duplicate Claims Detection added to existing business process outsourcing services
3. HR Outsourcing Big companies are making the shift from in-house to outsourcing

Contact Us:

Posted by: iwebresources | Feb 2, 2006 3:47:33 AM

My small business is a client of Symbern's SMB division. They provide us with IT support and marketing research. I recently got a coupon from them for 20% regular prices on web solutions and multimedia services. It says use code MAR0631 when contacting them by email or requesting a service quote.
Hope this saves people money!

Posted by: Patrick | Mar 2, 2006 12:44:53 PM

My small business is a client of Symbern's SMB division. They provide us with IT support and marketing research. I recently got a coupon from them for 20% regular prices on web solutions and multimedia services. It says use code MAR0631 when contacting them by email or requesting a service quote.
Hope this saves people money!

Posted by: Patrick | Mar 2, 2006 12:45:23 PM

I tried out Symbern's services for my auto body shop site, they did a marvellous job helping us get the right word out.

I really recommend them.
Thanks Patrick on the great post.

Posted by: Steve | Mar 18, 2006 9:24:41 AM

I was really benifited from their design services. It is very competitive rate and quality job. www.webdesignandcare.com

Posted by: Abhishek Roy | Apr 12, 2006 11:30:48 AM

I was really benifited from their PHP and .Net services. It is very competitive rate and quality job. www.virtuosoonline.com

Posted by: Abhishek Roy | Apr 12, 2006 11:32:33 AM

Outsourcing (or contracting out) is often defined as the delegation of non-core operations or jobs from internal production within a business to an external entity (such as a subcontractor) that specializes in that operation. Outsourcing is a business decision that is often made to lower costs or focus on competencies. A related term, offshoring, means transferring work to another country, typically overseas. Offshoring is similar to outsourcing when companies hire overseas subcontractors, but differs when companies transfer work to the same company in another country. Outsourcing became a popular buzzword in business and management in the 1990s. Now Many Companies are leading the way in outsourcing, including Accenture www.Accenture.com, Symbyo Technologies www.symbyo.com, Wipro www.wipro.com

Posted by: Symbyo | May 2, 2006 1:08:18 PM

Outsourcin is a boon for developing nations. Courtries like India Brazil China Singapore can really benefit from it.
For outsourcing voice, chat, email or back-office support, visit the website of Aumenta Call Center, India.

Posted by: Inbound Call Center | May 10, 2006 8:30:40 AM

Outsourcin is a boon for developing nations. Courtries like India Brazil China Singapore can really benefit from it.
I was really benifited from their PHP and .Net services. It is very competitive rate and quality job. www.virtuosoonline.com

Posted by: Customer Service | May 23, 2006 9:10:54 AM

Want to simplify your business process? Want to decrease your business operation costs? Looking to outsource your projects? Welcome to 2Pixels Solutions [http://www.2pixls.com] - An offshore web development firm that takes care of your online business and help you reach your goal.
At present, 2 Pixels Solutions offers services to a growing list of satisfied clients worldwide. So if you are looking to hire a competent team, we are just a click away! You can hire .php programmers / developers working on monthly contract basis. You can hire .net programmers working on monthly contract basis. You can hire web designers working on monthly contract basis.

I look forward to working with. Waiting for reply.
With best regards
Business Developer

Posted by: kumkum | Jun 11, 2006 9:41:10 PM

Hire developers and designers to work on your projects, Monitor regularly through internet, Low prices high accurcy. http://www.bpostaff.com

Posted by: S.Ranganathan | Jun 15, 2006 4:39:05 AM

I'm keen to know the progress that has been made in the "consulting domain" by the Indian IT companies within the IT outsourcing/offshoring area...while a lot is being written in this area, it will be interesting to know what percentage of IT projects that Indian IT firms take up are really original design and consulting? My guess is, it still will be a very small percentage, and this perhaps is the real growth area for the next 5-10 years

eBPO @ http://www.ebpo.in

Posted by: BPO | Jun 19, 2006 5:25:36 AM

Offshore hiring is no longer a yes or no decision. India is definately a great source for hiring a dedicated .net developer.

We have started this service in June 2006 and recieving good response from west. You can visit us at http://www.kpoweb.com which help you to find the professional virtual programmer, web designers of your choice.

Posted by: Dedicated professionals .net | Jul 11, 2006 4:04:25 AM

Culturally there are vast differences between Indian business world and its western counterparts. I suggest that the visitors prepare themselves for the cultural differences in Business India.

If you are aware of these cultural differences you can certainly turn the high skilled Indian workforce to your advantage.

There is a useful ebook about the Indian Business culture at: http://www.hipcoders.com/india_business_etiquette/index.html

Posted by: Trisha | Jul 12, 2006 5:06:25 AM

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